
People can’t be controlled

Home National People can’t be controlled

If it’s meant to be it will be. A few people will understand what that means, an even smaller group of people will be able to grasp its meaning. As humans we try to control, as much as we can, we will at times go to extreme measures just to keep control.

Like all things in life, everything done or consumed in excess will have the opposite effect. Again a few people understand that, but an even smaller group of people are able to truly grasp it. It is favourable to control or stay in control of things around you, especially those that are a part of your life, but there is a limit to it and that limit is at other people.

People can’t be controlled, they shouldn’t be controlled and I reckon they don’t like being controlled. Some people spend so much time and energy trying to exert their dominance and influence over other people, when that same energy and time could have been spent inspiring and teaching them to help themselves.

The youth mostly ask for help, because they are young and they don’t have all the answers and wisdom to successfully live and strive at life. People, some close to them, usually end up taking advantage of this. They usually start off with good intentions, but as time goes and the obedient young youth clings on to their every word and action, that guidance slowly goes sideways and turns into control over them.

This form of control comes in different shapes, it can be being told to do something that you don’t understand or goes against everything you stand for or being told not to do something for that matter. It is usually followed by a warning or threat and sometimes a promise. While this could be useful for a young child or toddler, it will have different consequences for a person who knows where they are heading.

Either way, it’s mostly the youth at the receiving end of control. At a stage in life when they are trying to figure out life, and make sense of the world, there are those that hamper and derail their search for meaning through sly and dubious means, this is especially true for young female adults. 

This behaviour or trait is not new to the world, it has been around as far and long as people have lived, but like anything worthwhile, if it’s meant to be it will be!

*Olavi Popyeinawa has a diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution and is currently studying law, LLB at the University of Namibia (Unam). He will weekly contributing this column on youth mattersInstagram: niceguy_olavi Facebook: Olavi Longfellow Twitter: @OlaviPopyeinawa