
Kavango West craving for feeder roads

Home National Kavango West craving for feeder roads

MILE 10 – Kavango West Governor Sirkka Ausiku says the region needs support in the area of roads infrastructure to help ease movement.

While she admits that the region is home to some beautiful national roads, the governor was emphatic is her assessment that Kavango West now needs feeder roads.

“We have beautiful national roads from Mururani to Rundu, from Nkurenkuru to Eenhana and from Mpungu to Tsumeb, but we don’t have feeder roads to connect us with other parts of the regions,” she said.

Ausiku made the remarks at Mile 10 village in Kapako Constituency, Kavango West Region on Friday when local Ncagcu Combined School received newly constructed school blocks consisting of four classrooms and a store room from the government of Japan through grant assistance. 

The Minister of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development, Tjekero Tweya, represented government at the event and officiated at the handover of the classrooms on behalf of Vice-President Nangolo Mbumba.
Ausiku made use of the opportunity during her welcoming remarks to send the government a message of the state of affairs in her extremely rural region.

“I will fail if I just welcome you to this region and this particular event without highlighting some of the challenges we are experiencing as a region. Our region is 99 percent rural and it is amongst the poorest in Namibia,” Ausiku noted.
Kavango West currently has mostly sandy roads. To get around the region, one needs a 4×4 vehicle, especially when visiting some villages where government institutions and schools or clinics are located.

“We also lack electricity and potable water at most of our schools and government institutions. We need support,” she continued.