Nanny severely scalds boy

Home National Nanny severely scalds boy

WINDHOEK- A two-year-old boy is recovering in hospital from burnt wounds that he sustained over his body after the nanny allegedly burnt him with hot water on Friday morning, confirmed City Police.

A case of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, read with the domestic violence Act, has been opened against the nanny. 

The incident happened on Friday morning in Windhoek North when the boy’s mother asked the nanny to bath him. 
The mother was bathing at the time of the incident.

According to City Police spokesperson, Fabian Amukwelele, the nanny poured hot water in the bath tub, and the child allegedly jumped in the bath and he got burnt. 

“But what is interesting is the areas were the child burnt. If you look [at] where the child burnt, it’s in the stomach, face, and shoulders. If the child really jumped into the bath tub, he could have burnt on the feet or hands; and the nanny was asked since she removed the child from the hot water, ‘didn’t she burn?’ But she replied [that] she pulled the child out on the fingers,” remarked Amukwelele, who added that the nanny showed no sign of remorse.
Amukwelele added the boy is in a lot of pain, according to the mother.

According to Khomas Regional Crime Investigation Coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Abner Agas, the allegation is that the nanny poured hot water on the victim, resulting on the boy to burn severely on the body. Agas said the suspect, name withheld, was arrested, but later released due to the lack of evidence linking her to the incident.  “She (nanny) claims the boy fell in the bath that was filled with hot water. The police investigation into the matter continues,” stated Agas.  Khomas Regional Commander, Commissioner Sylvanus Nghishidimbwa, confirmed that a case is opened, but the nanny won’t appear in court, as there is insufficient evidence, and it won’t make sense for her to appear for the sake of appearing in court. Nghishidimbwa said the nanny gave her side of the story.