
What a blessing 2018 for Esperance

Home National What a blessing 2018 for Esperance

 Onesmus Embula

Spoken Word artist Esperance Luvindao is a gifted poetess. Many may know her from the Namibia Annual Music Awards (NAMAs) stage but Esperance writes poetry to speak about death, rape and depression in contemporary environment. She started her year off by releasing the first ever poetry album in the country, to being ambassador against Gender Based Violence. Well reserved is surely a force to be reckoned with, hence her vow to deliver poetic justice.  
2018 was… A blessing. 

 2019 will be… On another level, bigger and better.
What book title describes your current mood right now?…. Revelation, book in the Bible. I am in a space whereby I am receiving so many revelations about myself, my life, my family and my future and it is beautiful. 
What was your greatest gift this year?…. Launching my Spoken Word album.
Most curse moment of 2018…. Missing a huge project deal because I refused to compromise. 
Last thing that made you cry…. Losing a loved one.

What fascinates you the most about Namibian media industry?…. The growth.
Namibian hero of the year…. Pass, it takes a lot to impress me.
Worst blunder of 2018? I think everyone has worked so hard. We all make mistakes but we learn and we grow. 
Cake or Pie?…. Pie.

 Saddest Namibian reality of 2018?…. The economic crisis.
 Would you rather watch a movie or read a novel?…. Movie.
What most people do not know about you?…. I am very sensitive.
What motivates you daily and why?…. God and my parents. God because He is the reason I am; my parents because I want to make them proud.

Last text that you sent?…. To my brand manager, asking if she sent the press release.
Most overrated trend of 2018…. I don’t know if I would call it a trend, but that silly dance that people fall? Quite silly if you ask me.
Message of season’s greetings? I pray that everyone has someone to love and someone who loves him or her back this season. No one deserves to be alone this Christmas.