
Karupu urges employers to respect workers’ rights

Home National Karupu urges employers to respect workers’ rights

LÜDERITZ – The President of Namibian Food and Allied Workers Union (Nafau) Mike Karupu urged employers who subject their employees to unfair labour practices and injustice to end these dehumanising acts with immediate effect and to respect the country’s labour law.

He said employers should rather respect the constitution and treat employees with dignity. Karupu indicated he is very disappointed by the manner in which some employers treat their employees by threatening them if they decide to join any union of their choice. He stated this early this week in the interview with New Era in Lüderitz “as per the labour law of this country, its made clear that workers in this country have the full right to join the unions without being intimidated or threatened, but with some employers at some companies, retailers, hotels and lodges, this is not the case. You find employees, who work at these business places are being blocked by their employers not to join trade unions.”

He urged those employers to be fair and to respect their employees to practice their rights without fear and to create a healthy environment suitable to each employee. Karupu said it is unacceptable seeing some workers even after 28 years of independence some employers still treat their employees like machines that cannot talk.  “If you want your business to have a good name, grow and be successful at the end of the day, make your workers happy,” advised Karupu. The unionist said as the president of Nafau, together with his branch organiser responsible for Lüderitz district, he undertook a trip to visit some businesses before the year end 2018, where they had meetings with their members after working hours. He said some managers agreed and allowed them to hold the meetings on their premises while others refused and told them not to hold meetings on their premises. Karupu stated that they find out that the treatment against the employees at some hotels as well as workers at some retail shops was a worrisome situation. He said this needs an intervention at regional leadership level together with Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation as well as the involvement of trade unions.