
Two women shot by disgruntled workmate

Home National Two women shot by disgruntled workmate

WINDHOEK – Chaos reigned in the Windhoek Central Business District (CBD) yesterday afternoon after a man disgruntled over what is said to be a demotion and consequently a reduced salary and remunerative perks killed a female colleague and wounded another at their office.

The suspect entered the premises of the Global Fund at the second floor of the City Centre building and allegedly shot to death Sarah Mwilima, the Fund’s local director of the Special Programme Management Unit (PMU) and wounded Ester Amupolo, who is an official at the unit in the neck. 

Amupolo is currently in a stable condition at a Windhoek private hospital after she was first treated at the Roman Catholic Hospital Casualty. Information remained sketchy late yesterday, but rumours are abound about the motive for the killing. The suspect, who may not be identified until he appears in court possibly today, was a former colleague of the victims, but was recently transferred to the Primary Heath Care Division of the Ministry of Health and Social Services from a handsome-paying job at the UN-funded Global Fund.

Some are saying the suspect was disgruntled about being reshuffled from the lucrative Global Fund portfolio to a ministerial position at the Primary Health Care Department division which in essence meant a demotion. This allegedly motivated the shooting. 

Others are saying the suspect was on leave for mental problems while others said he was suspended.
Khomas Regional Commander, Commissioner Sylvanus Nghishidimbwa, confirmed to the media that the suspect handed himself over to the police in Katutura shortly after the shooting, but could not say how the suspect managed to flee from the scene. The police cordoned off the area around the City Centre Building with no one allowed to enter the area and evacuated the entire second floor while they were searching for the suspect. Shortly after the suspect handed himself over to the police, the media was allowed inside the cordon. Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Ben Nangombe comforted the staff and family members of the deceased and wounded and said it was a sad day. He told the staff that treatment were available at the central hospital for those still in shock and counselling will be available for those who wish to make use of it. Petronella Masabani, the Deputy Permanent Secretary said that both Mwilima and Amupolo were diligent cadres who gave only their best. She said that Mwilima was a much loved and respected manager. 

According to a communique sent out via WhatsApp, she confirmed the suspect is a former member of the PMU who was sent back to the Primary Health Care Department.

The Chief of the Namibian Police Public Relations Unit, Deputy Commissioner Edwin Kanguatjivi could not shed much light on the issue as he was waiting to be briefed by the members on the ground. He could however confirm that the suspect will appear in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court today on charges of murder and attempted murder.