
Public urged to keep distance from crime scenes

Home National Public urged to keep distance from crime scenes

WINDHOEK – The Namibian police has urged members of the public to keep a distance from crime scenes.
In a statement issued by police spokesperson Deputy Commissioner Edwin Kanguatjivi, it has been observed with concern how the public members run towards the scenes instead of keep a distance from it.

“There is a danger of contaminating the scene of crime as well as hampering emergencies personnel to reach the scene as public usually would block access to the scene,” Kanguatjivi reminded the public.
He cited as an example the recent shooting in Windhoek’s CBD where, instead of people moving away from the scene, they actually dangerously moved closer to the scene.

This was on the day Simataa Simasiku, 33, alleged shot his boss after he was demoted and consequently confined to a reduced salary and remunerative perks.  

Simasiku allegedly entered the premises of the Global Fund at the second floor of the City Centre Building and allegedly shot to death Sarah Mwilima, the Fund’s local director of the Special Programme Management Unit (PMU) and wounded Ester Kapolo, who is an official at the unit in the neck.

Simasiku’s case was postponed to March 1, 2019 for legal representation.
“Similarly, when a road accident occur, the public should refrain from contaminating the scene and rather give way for the police and emergency personnel to do their work,” said Kanguatjivi.