
Young teacher pleads for better teaching approach

Home National Young teacher pleads for better teaching approach

WINDHOEK- Elivi Shinedima (25), a teacher, feels that some learners perform poorly in schools because of lack of effort by teachers. 

Having taught at few schools in Windhoek for some time now, Shinedima drew a few conclusions based on her own experience and observations as a teacher. “Some teachers are not passionate about teaching, some do not love kids and they negatively criticise learners, which breaks the child’s confidence in reading and limits their desire to learn. Some teachers also waste time while on their cellphones, some lack presentation or teaching skills and do not act professionally to be great role models to their learners,” says Shinedima, adding that many learners also tend to hate their subjects because the foundation was never laid properly from the beginning.

“Lack of parental involvement in their children’s’ schoolwork also contributes to the poor performance of learners. Some learners are also irresponsible at times plus the school workload,” explains she, adding that learners also have too many unnecessary subjects at the beginning, and the best thing to do is for teachers to steer and guide them towards areas of their interest, passion and talents once their minds are ready. “I would advise the higher education institutions or the education ministry to see that teachers are really fit for their jobs, either through good training, especially in presenting lessons, regular inspections and psychological tests before they commence with work,” says Shinedima, adding that teachers should also love and enjoy what they do, see to it that learners understand, make learning fun and interesting in every way they can and allow leaners to ask questions and assist them to accept their learning responsibility. 

“I encourage the best teachers and entrepreneurs in Namibia to study and work very hard to bring a few changes in the education system and society at large.”