Over N$2 million pledged for Luderitz Crayfish Festival

Home National Over N$2 million pledged for Luderitz Crayfish Festival

LUDERITZ – The 12th edition of the Annual Lüderitz Crayfish Festival was launched at the Lüderitz Nest Hotel on Friday night. The event raised just over N$2 million through pledges by the business sector and some individuals at the launch.

From the money raised, Seaflower Group pledged N$1.5 million, which was already transferred to the Lüderitz Crayfish Festival Account on the same day, while Standard Bank and MTC pledged N$100 000 each, NovaNam pledged N$50 000.00, the new patron of the Lüderitz Crayfish Festival, Amos Shiyuka, pledged N$45 000, Namport pledged N$18 000, Coca Cola pledged N$15 000 and Marco Fishing pledged N$10 000. Other companies and individuals pledged amounts ranging from N$200 to N$5000. The 12th Annual Lüderitz Crayfish Festival will be on April 25 to 30, 2019.

In his keynote address, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Bernhard Esau congratulated the Lüderitz Town Council and the Lüderitz business community for their commitment in organising the Lüderitz Crayfish Festival 2019. Esau said this event has become a signature to the residents, business community of Lüderitz and the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, as it offers an exceptional opportunity for the business community, new investors, tourists, officials, media, entertainment and other personalities both from Namibia and across the world. He added that the festival is ideal for people from !Nami#nus and the mighty //Kharas Region to come together and celebrate the wonderful scenery, excellent cuisine, particularly Lüderitz Crayfish, and to discuss the many opportunities offered by the town.

Esau said this festival has now proven itself as strong, stable and necessary. “My ministry shares your excitement about the Lüderitz Crayfish Festival. In fact, we have a lot in common, because fisheries are the most important investments in Lüderitz. At the ministry, we have a deliberate policy to encourage investments in Lüderitz,” said Esau.

The minister continued that the Marine Resources Act (2000) allows the minister to deliberately encourage regional development when allocating rights and quotas, especially to those right holders who invest in fisheries in other towns such as Lüderitz. He said this in recognition of the higher operational costs such as labour and fuel, as well as transportation costs, when operating in Lüderitz as compared to Walvis Bay.

“I take note of the investments by Fishcor, Marco Fishing, NovaNam, Lüderitz Pioneer, and the exciting new investments on abalone production, which are all taking place in this beautiful coastal town of Lüderitz, as these investments are creating much needed jobs in this region, and are increasing the focus on Lüderitz as a major fisheries investment hub in Namibia,” said Esau.

He added that the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources is part of the team participating in the development of the Lüderitz Waterfront, which he described as a flagship project for this town and indeed the whole of //Kharas Region that will help showcase the best aspects of this part of Namibia. “We will continue to emphasise more and more on the need to invest in Lüderitz, particularly in value addition activities in order to create more on-shore jobs for this region,” Esau concluded. 

In her welcoming remarks, Lüderitz Mayor Hilaria Mukapuli, welcomed Minister Esau for his presence to signify his continued support towards the event, which she said means a lot to the local economy of Lüderitz. 
Mukapuli acknowledged the contribution made by all sponsors who had ensured that this event is hosted every year. She said the community of Lüderitz values their contributions and their continuous support towards the Lüderitz Crayfish Festival. She also appreciated the charitable contribution of the Board of Trustees for the Lüderitz Crayfish Festival, under her capable leadership.

The Mayor also requested the Ministers ‘s office to intervene to ensure that companies allocated fishing quotas in Lüderitz should really try to establish processing factories in the town to create employment and contribute to the local economy. She noted that the town is severely affected due to the closure of Elizabeth Bay Mine and therefore required urgent interventions to support the economy.

Shiyuka, who succeeds Tim Ekandjo as festival patron, in his statement pledged that he will do his level best to add value to this festival. He urged Lüderitz residents to find ways of inviting their families and friends to come and take part in the annual event. “Let us be the ambassadors of our own events to add value to this event to raise funds and invite our friends to come to participate in this annual event,” Shiyuka suggested.