
Women who have brought change

Home National Women who have brought change

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day today, New Era journalist Alvine Kapitako in collaboration with the Namibia Red Cross Society (NRCS) profiled some women who have dedicated their time to make their communities better. 
The secretary-general of the NRCS, Bernadette Bock applauded Namibian women who are making a difference in their communities.

Hileni Naukushu, is the headwoman of Okadiloti Village and she is also a volunteer of the NRCS.  Naukushu believes in the power of humanity and helping people who are in distress, even if it sometimes means walking long distances to reach these people while using her own resources to assist vulnerable members in her community. Naukushu volunteers with other women from her community set out to help those in need.  

“Our volunteer work does not only end in our community, but we also help in nearby villages with activities like fetching water for the elderly, ploughing their fields and cleaning for them. Being a volunteer does not require you to do something big, the little you do can make a big difference.”

Klaudia Ipinge has served the NRCS for about 14 years as a Home-Based Care volunteer. “The reason I joined NRCS is to bring hope to people affected by diseases by sharing relevant information with them in areas of HIV/AIDS, Orphan and Vulnerable Children support and general hygiene promotion. Now that I am old, I would like to call upon the youth to join the Red Cross movement, because it educates you and gives you an opportunity to bring development to your community. It also allows you to play a role in the exposure of grassroots vulnerability as you are the link between the community and the Namibia Red Cross Society.”

Elina Nengola is 65-years-old and she has dedicated 17 years of her time as a Home-Based Care volunteer in Okongo in the Ohangwena Region where she also shares her knowledge on HIV/AIDS and other diseases with the community.  

“I am proud to play a part in disseminating information that helps others directly and indirectly. Whatever affects one person, affects the whole community, because it’s the community that determines the wellbeing of the next person.”