
The fine lines of Modise linocut art

Home Lifestyle The fine lines of Modise linocut art

  Donna Collins

SWAKOPMUND – Professional artist, Kabelo Modise, is hot off a solo Independence Celebration exhibition held at farm Shalom in the Swakop River Valley, where he displayed over 30 pieces of his intricate linocut works – a distinctive style which earned him acclaim as one of Namibia’s most influential and talented artists.

As a way to feature the Independence theme, Modise exhibited some of his more “famous” works and portraits of three prominent political figures, namely Namibia’s Founding Father Sam Nujoma, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.
The complex web of hundreds of fine lines minutely linked and positioned to create an image likeness of the three most recognisable figures, is something only an artist like Modise can explain how he actually mastered this technique. 
These impressive portraits, however, are just a taste of Modise’s extensive collection of subjects, which range from wildlife, scenery, a fascination with Table Mountain,  oil paintings on canvass,  through  to shapes and designs that are a figment of his imagination. 

His lino prints, large and small, are meticulously detailed – a time consuming process, he says.  
“An A3 size art piece can take me up to eight hours to complete – and it takes tonnes of patience and maximum concentration,” Modise told the Entertainment Now!.

The gently spoken Modise, with his humble manner and avalanche of talent, is celebrating 20 years as a professional artist next year, as well as his 20th wedding anniversary. 

He says he is committed to taking himself to the next level and is currently expanding his home studio in Hochland Park with an additional printing press to get more of his art out there. 
“At first glance, all you spot from my art works are lines but take a close look and you will see the images moving,” he explained, holding up an impressive framed lino print piece of Nujoma. “For some, this can be classified as abstract or semi-abstract art, but for me as an artist, these masterpieces of uninterrupted, rhythmic lines are not just outlines but expressions from within.”

To create the detailed intricacy of this artists hair-breadth lines, as well as the diversity of his approach with oil paintings and contemporary prints, is little wonder his art has taken centre stage and captured the attention of collectors all over the world.  Modise was born in Francistown, Botswana, and in 2007 he obtained a Diploma in Visual Arts from the University of Namibia (Unam), having since then worked as an art instructor, teacher and lecturer in schools and tertiary institutions in both Botswana and Namibia. 

The vibrant artist wears his hat as Textile Lecturer at the College of the Arts and has added the position of acting Centre Manager at the John Muafangejo Art Centre to his list of accomplishments, as well as hosting and attending many artist workshops. 

He mentioned that a solo exhibition is in progress for this year at the National Art Gallery, which will add to the list of dozens of exhibitions, held in Namibia, South Africa, Germany, Botswana as well as Trinidad and Tobago dating back to his early exhibitions in 2005.  This includes him exhibiting his works at the Wildlife Art Exhibition last year at the Fine Art Gallery – with more to come.