N$86 million needed for disaster risk reduction

Home Front Page News N$86 million needed for disaster risk reduction

WINDHOEK- Government launched the Country Programming Framework aimed to address issues related to disaster risk reduction, which will be crucial in mitigating the risks associated with climate change. 
The total resources required to implement this programme amounts to N$149.8 million.

Of this amount, N$63.98 million is available but approximately N$86.1 million will need to be mobilised. 
It is envisaged that some resources required to implement the framework will come from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)’s Technical Cooperation Programme and South-South Cooperation during the CPF implementation period

The Country Programming Framework which is covering the period 2019-2023 was officially launched by Agriculture, Water and Forestry Minister Alpheus !Naruseb on Friday.

He explained the programme is coming at an opportune time for Namibia because the country continues to face recurrent droughts, floods, veld fires, high temperatures, diseases, and pest outbreaks as a result of climate change.

“Floods and droughts, veld fires, heat waves, pests such as fall armyworm and diseases have become a regular phenomenon in Namibia. Risks associated with climate change cannot be avoided, but they can be managed. In light of this, Disaster Risk Reduction has shifted from prevention to building resilience. The idea of ‘resilience’ is to prepare every community to better fight and recover from disasters,” he indicated. 

FAO helped developed the Country Programming Framework consultative with various stakeholders from the ministries of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Fisheries and Marine Resources, Land Reform and other non-state actors. 

!Naruseb said the Country Programming Framework is of great importance to Namibia as it will amongst others strengthen the policy, legal, strategic and institutional frameworks for agriculture, fisheries, forestry, food security, and nutrition sectors. 
It also aims to strengthen the capacity for natural resource management and land governance; as well as the capacity for disaster risk reduction, resilience building, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. It will also focus on improving agricultural production, productivity, food safety, and strengthened nutrition sensitive value chains.

“Too often when disaster strikes, those with the least end up losing the most. Poverty raises the community’s exposure to hazards while reducing their ability to recover from them,”!Naruseb said.

 “I believe that if fully implemented, and taking into account efforts by the government and other stakeholders, these four priorities will contribute meaningfully to Namibia’s development aspirations in the spirit of ‘leaving no one behind’,” he stated. 

He pledged the government through the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry will continue to capacitate farmers in areas of climate-smart agriculture to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Despite the challenges of being an upper middle income country, !Naruseb noted that FAO Namibia is on a resource mobilisation drive by exploring partnerships with the Namibian government; as well as other funding opportunities such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Green Climate Fund (GCF); the Adaptation Fund; regional projects; as well as partnerships with International Financial Institutions (IFIs).