
#Khaxab Royal house wants Topnaar’s throne

Home National #Khaxab Royal house wants Topnaar’s throne

WALVIS BAY – The #Khaxab Royal house of Chief Samuel #Khaxab says the Topnaar chieftaincy rightfully belongs to the #Khaxab and it should be restored as such by appointing him as the rightful person to take over from the late Chief Seth Kooitjie.

The Topnaar chieftaincy became vacant following the death of Kooitjie who according to the Khaxab royal household is not from the royal house at all.

He says he was supposed to take over as king in 1980, however, the then DTA gave the chieftaincy to chief Esau, Kooitjie’s father, who in turn handed it down to his son Seth, who served until his death on 24  January this year from an asthma attack.
During an interview with New Era earlier at his residence in Narraville, #Khaxab said they have been in a lengthy legal battle over the chieftaincy of the topnaars that were supposed to stay in the #Khaxab Royal house which they lose during the apartheid regime.

According to #Khaxab, it has been a draining battle for him, saying he will however not stop until government recognise descendants of the Khaxab royal houses as from the royal bloodline. “Our history was distorted and people know about it and  also know who are the rightful owners of the chieftaincy and how we lost it,” he explained.

Historical documents seen by New Era indicates that a certain Frederick   #Khaxab was the first Topnaar leader born in 1773. He ruled the clan from 1846 to1855, with his tribal seat located at Sandwich Harbour in Walvis Bay.

However, he died at the age of 82 and his son Frederick Jan #Khaxab became king and ruled from 1866 until 1870.  Two other #Khaxabs became kings after him, followed Jan Jonker Afrikaner who served from 1890 until 1892. 
After Afrikaner’s death, Bericht #Khaxab served as king between 1893 and 1894.  He was then replaced by Frederick Tsatago #Khaxab.

According to Samuel #Khaxab, Stevenson Argell who was the son of Frederick #Khaxab’s niece took over from Fredrick until he died in 1945.

“Argell was supposed to lead as I was too young to take over the position at that time and back then, Namibia was under the South African regime. The then DTA then decided to choose Esau Kooitjie, father of Seth Kooitjie, who in 1980 handed over the chieftaincy to Seth Kooitjie,” #Khaxab explained.

#Khaxab now says that they will not stopped until the throne is returned to its rightful people to serve the Topnaars as they should be served.