
Oshikoto supports removal of redline

Home National Oshikoto supports removal of redline

OMUTHIYA – During a recent consultative meeting the Swapo Party leadership in Oshikoto Region added their voice to proponents for the removal of the veterinary cordon fence, also known as the redline, in an effort to unlock business opportunities for beef farmers north of the cordon fence.

The redline is a pest-exclusion boundary separating northern Namibia from the central and southern parts of the country that has been in force for decades despite the fact 60 percent of the country’s livestock are found in areas north of the redline.
The leadership further called for the establishment of an abattoir. 

Regional structures met here in Omuthiya to deliberate on matters of developmental concern and activities that are likely to have an impact on people’s lives, for possible inclusion in the 2019 Swapo Party election manifesto.  Acceleration of infrastructure development such as water provision, roads, information and communication technology, was also indicated by the delegates as another most important component that the leadership wishes to see included. 

Other issues discussed included the development of Omuthiya town to the status of regional capital in order to compete with other towns, acceleration of decentralisation policy implementation and provision of quotas for resettlement farms.
Speaking at the occasion, also attended by retired civil and public servants, as well as war veterans, Swapo regional coordinator Armas Amukwiyu said that as leaders it is time to strengthen unity among the rank and file of the party.  “Let us rededicate ourselves once more to Swapo Party we all believe in and love. Let’s ensure maximum political mobilisation of all party members and non-party members to vote for Swapo and its sole presidential candidate. As leaders we must aim at renewing the Swapo Party two-third majority mandate. We must further ensure that the party’s sole candidate, Dr Hage Geingob, wins with an overwhelming majority,” added Amukwiyu.