
Omuthiya circuit celebrates outstanding learners and teachers

Home Youth Corner Omuthiya circuit celebrates outstanding learners and teachers

Paulina Moses

OMUTHIYA -The Omuthiya circuit recently celebrated outstanding learners and teachers with an award ceremony. The circuit performance enhancement award ceremony was held at Onashikuvu Combined School.

Ekulo Secondary School walked away with most individual awards proving not only to have some of the best performing learners but the best teachers in the circuit. Out of the 19 learners who were awarded, 13 of those were from Ekulo Secondary School, having obtained 40 points and above in 2018. Namuhole Linekela was the best performer with a whopping 42 points.

Uupindi Ester from Bright Future Private School is the best junior primary school learner. 
Teachers were also recognised in the best subject teacher category, out of the 49, 19 were teachers from Ekulo Secondary School. Onashikuvu Combined School received nine awards. Modestus Mwiila (Olupale Combined School) , Kandume Jonathan (Onashikuvu Combined School) , Liberty Likando (Okangororosa Combined School), Liina Negonga, Erick Fillemon, Frans Erastus, Erickson Kaulinge (Ekulo Senior Secondary School) achieved 100 percent pass rate in their respective subjects but it was Modestus Mwiila who was crowned the best overall teacher of the year 2018.

In attendance was Penda Ya Ndakolo who is the former Governor of Oshikoto Region and current Minister of Defence, Aletta Eises, the Regional Education Director as well as Zhang Yiming, the Chinese Ambassador to Namibia.

Onashikuvu Combined School was constructed with Chinese aid and speaking at the ceremony, Zhang delivered a highly motivational speech.  Zhang made reference to his upbringing to encourage the learners. “Now standing before you is a senior diplomat, decent and glamorous, a representative of Chinese government. However, 30 to 40 years ago, I was an ordinary young learner living in the rural area of China, just like you.  That I can change my destiny owes to the fair, education system of China, selfless support from my teachers and my parents and my own hard work of course,” Zhang said.

He also applauded the government for its effort in ensuring that education is placed high on the national agenda, adding that education receives the largest proportion of the budget and that the best buildings in the regions are schools.

More awards in the school’s category for 2018:
Best Junior Primary: Bright Future Private School.
2nd Runner up in the Most Improved School in the circuit JSC Result: Okangororosa Combined School
1st Runner up in Most Improved School: Olupale Combined School
Overall Most Improved School: Onashikuvu Combined School
2nd Runner up Best JSC School in the Circuit: Ekulo Secondary School
1st Runner up Best JSC School: Onashikuvu Combined School
Overall Best JSC School: Olupale Combined School