
Houses for San community get electrified

Home National Houses for San community get electrified

Hilma Nakanduungile 

OMUNDAUNGILO – Following a news article in a local newspaper about the plight of San community, including an elderly woman living in makeshift structures at Omundaungilo in the Ohangwena Region last year, the Office of the Vice-President, Division of Marginalized Communities constructed 29 corrugated iron sheet houses for the Omundaungilo San community.

On Friday, the same community witnessed the commissioning and handover of Nored’s electrification project by Dr Bernard Haufiku, on behalf of the Vice-President Dr Nangolo Mbumba. 

As part of their corporate social investment program, Nored constructed both medium and low voltage reticulations, including streetlights to provide residents access to electricity. They also provided 50 access points and so far, 29 houses located at the area are electrified. The electrification project cost N$324 736.80.

At the occasion, Nored’s chairman of board Sacky Kayone said the project’s main objective is to increase access to electricity within the marginalized community and speed up the growth of rural economies, while at the same time improving the quality of life of people plus their social and environmental conditions. 
According to Kayone, Nored approved an amount of N$10 million annual budget since 2015, to be invested in electrification projects across its areas of operation and thus far, it has electrified many peri-urban, rural communities and growth points. 

“In no hierarchically order of importance, Nored has carried out the following electrification projects in Ohangwena Region: Ekango laHamulenge village in Ohangwena settlement, Eeshoke location in Oshikango town, Ekolola location in Eenhana town, Uushake Police Road-Block and installed a high mast lighting in Ohangwena settlement. All these projects are completed and were officially handed over to the beneficiaries in 2018,” said Kayone.

Despite Nored’s successes in distributing and supplying electricity, Kayone expressed his disappointment over clients who are denying others access to electricity, especially within the four northern regions namely: Oshikoto, Ohangwena, Omusati and Oshana, which he said is illegal and obstructs development. He added that some people still construct under power lines which is very dangerous and a safety violation. 

He thus urged people to refrain from illegal connections and electricity theft.
In a speech read on his behalf, Mbumba commended Nored for ploughing back into the community. He said with this electrification project, the socio economic conditions of the residents of Omundaungilo have to improve drastically for the better. 

He added that it is an undisputable fact that electricity has become part of the essential basic human needs and a positive driving force of all economic activities.

“I am confident that the electrification of this San community is of great significance in accelerating economic development, social progression and to improve the living conditions of the San community,” said Mbumba.

Moreover, Mbumba said the electrification of Omundaungilo San community by Nored is in line with the sustainable human development strategy of the Namibian government in its efforts to address the needs and concerns of marginalized communities in the country, to ensure that the marginalized people in Namibia are fully integrated in the mainstream economy of the society and leveling the playing field which enables the participation in the national development process.

One of the beneficiaries Sadrag Amupolo said he is very thankful for the services brought to them.
“I am grateful that we now have water, houses and electricity. At least being in the dark will be the thing of the past,” said 

*Hilma Nakanduungile is an Information Officer in the Ministry of ICT, based in Ohangwena Region.