
Call for provision of quality education

Home National Call for provision of quality education

Malakia Nashongo

OSHAKATI – The Director of Education in Oshana Region Hileni Amukana has exhorted teachers to provide quality and inclusive education to rural learners in the region. Amukana called for teachers to provide quality and inclusive education and make use of different teaching methods and teaching aid to cutter for the learners in rural schools to be able to compete with learners in urban schools. She urged teachers to work hard as “education is not a one size fits all, this child learn differently, the other child learn differently, so when you are in the class you use a variety of teaching methods to reach these children. ‘ You don’t come there and say do you understand’,’’ she said.

“When you pass Grade 9 from Omapopo, you must be able to compete with any child in Ongwediva, Grootfontein, Windhoek and Karasburg,” explained Amukana. She also stressed the time has changed in such a way that if parents and teachers don’t sit and talk to the children, it will not help anyone. She also condemned some teachers from imposing school rules on the learners but rather craft them together with the learners.

“Use the learners representative to craft the rules, once we are done with the school rules, we come and present them to the majority of the school and the learners’ representatives must speak to the learners, to inform them that they sat with teachers and came up with rules,” said Amukana.

Amukana also called on parents to feed their children four meals per day. She made these remarks during the African Child Day commemoration at Omapopo Combined School in Oshana Region.