
I apologise, Mr President

Home National I apologise, Mr President

Katrina Hanse-Himarwa 

I strongly believe that all Namibians, including public office bearers, have the right to a fair trial and are innocent, until proven guilty. 

In light of the High Court of Namibia’s verdict [on Monday], 08 July 2019, I intend to exercise my full legal rights, through the appropriate legal channels. 

I understand the seriousness of the conviction and I am also mindful of President Hage Geingob’s strong views on transparency and accountability. In this light, I herewith confirm that I have requested to be relieved of my duties as Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, with immediate effect. 

I wish to thank President Geingob for his forthright and principled leadership. Serving in his Cabinet has been an honour and a privilege, from which I have learned immense lessons. One of my observations has been a concerted effort to portray him in a negative light and dilute, disparage and diminish his leadership. 
I apologise to both him and the Namibian people, as I know this conviction has been a source of disappointment and distress for many who know me. 

When I was appointed as Minister of Education, Arts and Culture on 20 March 2015, I took a constitutional oath to, inter alia, uphold, defend and protect the constitution and serve the Namibian people to the best of my ability. 

I have upheld this constitutional oath with the conscientiousness that was required of me. This resignation is within the context of this obligation. I am immensely proud of what the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture has achieved since my appointment. 

Due to a committed and hard-working team, we have managed to establish a ministerial culture where mutual respect, co-operation and a singular pursuit of bridging the gaps in the basic education system prevailed. 

I sincerely thank each and every staff member of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture for their support and I urge them to remain focused and determined to achieve our shared dream of improving the quality of education in Namibia for all our children. 

I also wish to thank my fellow public office bearers, and all stakeholders, with whom my path has crossed, and I wish them well as their success is their pursuit of success for the Namibian nation. 

This has been an incredibly difficult and emotional period for my family and I. Their love and support has been a critical element in my ability to withstand the attacks on my character and numerous unfounded accusations and insults that I have had to endure. 

The same is true for my extended family, community and friends. I am sincerely grateful for your unconditional love and support. I have received calls from people from all walks of life, including those with whom I have had political differences, and I am grateful for their reminders that the Lord is our fortress. 

My faith remains in Him and, as a believer, I trust in his everlasting love and that He will carry me through these challenging times. I will use this time to reflect and re-focus and respectfully request that my privacy be respected.

* Katrina Hanse-Himarwa was until yesterday Namibia’s minister of education. She issued this statement yesterday in the wake of a court ruling against her on Monday.