
President, VP donate towards drought relief

Home National President, VP donate towards drought relief

SWAKOPMUND – Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has appealed to all Namibian workers to emulate the example set by President Hage Geingob and the Vice President Nangolo Mbumba, who have already given their voluntary two percent one-off contribution from their annual salaries towards the drought relief programme.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila made the plea on Thursday during the president’s town hall meeting in Swakopmund to assess the drought assistance and relief programme in the region.

Although she did not say how much the president and vice-president contributed, Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said that Namibians do not need to contribute the 2 percent in monetary value but can contribute anything or any amount that suits their pockets.

“You requested that your leaders set an example.  Hence, I would like to confirm that Cabinet is leading the way.  Just as the president and the vice president, I am also in the process of doing the same, Kuugongelwa-Amadhila told residents on Thursday.

She added that government only managed to raise about N$300 million of the N$570 million that was budgeted for the drought relief programme.

“Our business partners and international friends so far donated about N$90 million to assist with the drought relief programme. Farmers in the Omaheke region also told government that although they do not have water, they have plenty of grass, which they can donate as well.  That is the kind of compassion we need to have as Namibians.  Government is not necessarily looking for money.  It can be food items, grass (animal fodder) or any kind of donation,” explained the Prime Minister.

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila added that government understands why the two percent contribution did not sit well with many Namibians; especially those who felt the contribution will put a dent in their meagre salaries that are already challenged in these hard economic times.
She also told residents that several civil and ordinary working Namibians have already made contributions, which government is thankful for.

“That is the solidarity. Please consider supporting this very noble initiative to help others in need. Anyone willing to donate can make arrangements to contribute in instalments or once-off.  So please, let us be considerate and assist government to make a change and help our drought-stricken families and farmers,” the Prime Minister further appealed.