
Okankororosa gets classroom block

Home National Okankororosa gets classroom block

OKANKOROROSA – Hodago Fishing company on Friday handed over two classrooms to Okankororosa Combined School. The two-classroom block were built through a donation of N$200 000 towards the end of last year for infrastructural development at the school.

This is a second investment to that of the construction of ablution facilities, Hodago is bringing to the school. At the handover, the school principal Alleta Amakali appreciated the gesture saying due to limited funds, they had to compromise as the classes were built below the directorate of education’s building standards. 
As per the standard, one classroom is to cost about N$350 000, in this case however, two classes were built with only a third of the required amount. 

“It was not easy when we were building these classes, the school management sacrificed a lot of their time and resources to realise this project. As much as we appreciated the humble gesture by Hodago, I would like to also state that, the school is still faced with various challenges such as a lack of an administration block, science and computer lab. As we speak, the science learners are not doing their practical as the school does not have a lab,” said Amakali much to her appreciation. 

She noted given the required resources, the school will continue to excel as a best performer. 
Hodago General Manager Harold Kaune said Okankororosa has become its responsibility and their duty is now to cater for the school’s needs where possible. 

“Hodago Fishing, through its corporate social responsibility approved Okankororosa school infrastructure development project as one of its primary responsibility. By so doing, Hodago promised to carter for the infrastructural requirements of the school in the best interest of providing quality, equal and equitable access to education for the Namibian child,” said Kaune.

“There will be no greater return for Hodago as a private entity than to see learners of the school graduate as professionals and come back to share their skills and success stories with the coming generation,” he added, further assuring the fishing company will continue to support the school, with the administration office being next on the line.

The company further promised to provide staff housing and recreational facilities for both learners and teachers.