
Teen rapes 6-year-old girl

Home National Teen rapes 6-year-old girl

WINDHOEK – A six-year-old girl was one of three victims of reported sexual abuse over the weekend after a 16-year-old boy allegedly violated her.

The minor, who resides in Omungwelume village, was walking home from school when her predator ambushed and raped her. 

According to the Namibian police weekly crime report, the suspect chased the little girl and dragged her into the nearby bushes where he raped her. 

The incident happened on Friday. The suspect has been arrested and police investigations continue.
In an unrelated incident, a 23-year-old woman was sexually violated on Saturday in Mariental. It is alleged that the victim was attending a farewell party at a house in Aimabaagte location but left with friends to go clubbing in town.  The victim allegedly got intoxicated, according to police reports. 

The victim, who has a hard time remembering the events of that fateful night, allegedly recalls that she woke up on the back seat of a taxi with the accused sexually violating her. As the suspect was raping the victim, it is alleged, the victim’s friend was seated in the front passenger seat. The police are yet to apprehend the suspect and police investigations continue. 

Also in Mariental, the police are searching for a man who stands accused of sexually violating a 26-year-old woman between Friday and Saturday in a riverbed in Takarania, Mariental. It is alleged that the victim was at a local bar with the suspect. After the outing, the victim decided to pass by her friend’s house before going home. However, the suspect followed, grabbed and raped her.