
More suspects in N$586 677 robbery nabbed

Home National More suspects in N$586 677 robbery nabbed

OMUTHIYA -The Police in Oshikoto have arrested two more suspects involved in the robbery of N$586 677 that happened in the early morning hours of Monday at Ideal Guesthouse in Omuthiya.

 They allegedly broke into a vehicle of a businessman while he was fast asleep.
The second suspect Immanuel Uushona, 43, who was said to be key in the robbery, allegedly orchestrated by Simon Angula, 50, a friend to the 27-year-old young businessman Lazarus Shikalepo has already been arrested on Tuesday at Onathinge village. 

“Second suspect (Uushona) is the one who was tipped off and communicating with Angula. While a third suspect, Henock Teofelus, 35, who carried out the robbery and took the money, was arrested at Omakange village in Omusati Region,” stated Oshikoto police regional crime investigation coordinator, Deputy Commissioner Naomi Katjiua.

None of the stolen money has yet been recovered.
Katjiua said Teofelus who is a resident of Ondangwa, allegedly travelled that night to Omuthiya after a fourth suspect known as Ndingana, who is still on the run, called him. On Tuesday, Katjiua said, Shikalepo had overnight at the guesthouse on Sunday from Oshikango with an aim to proceed to Windhoek in the morning. The complainant had left the money in a black plastic bag in the car, but found two broken windows of the vehicle in the morning and the bag missing. 

Shikalepo had travelled from Windhoek to Oshikango on Friday with his friend Angula, to collect money from his debtors. Angula reportedly conspired with the robbers.  “The complainant received N$395 000 at Oshikango and N$196 667 at Ongha village. He then drove and booked accommodation at Ideal Guesthouse in Omuthiya on Sunday and planned to drive back to Windhoek on Monday morning,” said Katjiua.