
PM assesses drought situation in Oshana Region

Home National PM assesses drought situation in Oshana Region

Malakia Nashongo

OSHAKATI – Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila last week visited Oshana Region to assess and familiarise herself with the drought situation on the ground.

Uuvudhiya Constituency is hardest hit by the drought situation – having endured the dry conditions for the past five years. 

Many farmers from all the four northern regions of Oshana, Oshikoto, Ohangwena and Omusati have flocked to Uuvudhiya, where grazing has always been better than many areas in the north.
Kuugongelwa-Amadhila made several stops at some major water points/dams and grazing areas during her visit.

She stressed that she is happy that the water that is being pumped from Olushandja to UUvudhiya earth dam by NamWater via the canal have reached the area and that all temporary measures to ensure that water reaches the dry areas are proving fruitful.

“The pumping of water from Olushandja to UUvudhiya via a canal is temporary and government will look into permanent ways of addressing water shortage in the near future to address water crises when drought hit again in the future,” said Kuugongelwa-Amadhila.

The Prime Minister visited Oondama Mbali water point, which is being supplied with water pumped from the Oshakati canal by NamWater. The Uuvudhiya earth dam is also supplied with water pumped by NamWater from Olushandja for a distance of about 135km via the canal. 

She also visited the dried-up Yinakulu Yomadhiya and Oponona lake, for long the most reliable source of water for animal in the area as they usually keep water throughout the years but due to the poor rainfall over the past years, they have already dried up and animals have to travel long distances to get to other water points. 

Apart from visiting the water points, she also visited the grazing area of Iipopo in Uuvudhiya Constituency, where the regional council has put up water tanks, which are constantly being supplied with water for both animal and human consumption with trucks.

The Prime Minister also assured the farmers that provision have been made to provide animal fodder to assist farmers with drought and this will arrive in no time. “The delay is just on logistical issue with the main supplier but it will arrive within a short period of time,” Kuugongelwa-Amadhila explained.
Malakia Nashongo is an Information Officer in the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology’s Oshana regional office.