
//Kharas poll registration turn-up surpasses coordinator’s expectations

Home National //Kharas poll registration turn-up surpasses coordinator’s expectations

Steven Klukowski

KEETAMANSHOOP – Over 11 000 eligible voters in the //Kharas Region exercised their right to participatory democracy during the supplementary registration process that ended on Saturday.

Augustinus Ucham, who represented the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) as //Kharas regional coordinator, revealed that 11 217 registered. He informed New Era that a turn-up of approximately 8 000 people was projected. 

“Worth mentioning was that 6 132 out of this total comprise people recently attaining the age of 18 years, thus the youth,” said Ucham. 

He further revealed that no major challenges were experienced at registration points, which could bring the process to a total standstill. 

“There were, however, some isolated incidents like delays during the printing of the voter registration cards, but this was not something we could not address accordingly. The regional coordinator then explained that as remedial measures new cartridges were provided or alternatively cards were printed at other registration points that were not busy.  

Ucham added that teams that were done by 19h00 on the last day were subsequently dispatched to support the busier registration points. He said the main challenge the registration officers faced was that people turned up in big numbers on the last day of registration, putting additional pressure on registration officials. He said this was one of the reasons why the printers were heating up, resulting in temporary delays.

“In future, eligible voters should please try to register during the first days of registration in order to avoid unnecessary long queues, delays and frustrations,” Ucham pleaded with the residents. 

He, however, commended the residents for turning up in big numbers and also for their good attitude and behaviour at registration points.

 The regional coordinator, in addition, extended his gratitude towards his team for executing this very important task with the required professionalism, positive attitude, hard work and dedication. 
Ucham in pleaded with those who registered during this exercise to demonstrate the same eagerness during the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly elections.

According to the statistics, Keetmanshoop Urban Constituency registered the most eligible voters (2 588) while the lowest turn-up was registered in Keetmanshoop Rural Constituency (1 098). Registration took place daily from 08h00 until 19h00.