
MKP pledges N$50 million to Swapo

Home National MKP pledges N$50 million to Swapo

TSUMEB – MKP South Africa, the brainchild company behind a new Smart City township in Tsumeb, has pledged a N$50 million ‘monthly’ contribution to Swapo as a token of appreciation for having created political stability which provides a conducive environment for business. 

This journalist asked Bizwell Mutale, the CEO and chairman of MKP South Africa in Tsumeb to clarify the N$50 million monthly amount and he confirmed the figure.

The money is intended to assist war veterans as well as fund other projects. 
Mutale made the announcement in Tsumeb during the official ceremony marking the commencement of the multibillion-dollar investment. 

“This is in appreciating the good governance policies instituted by the Swapo-led government as part of [our] investment resolutions. Its policies target increasing investment and creating a politically stable environment, where investors and business alike can thrive.” 

“Swapo has lived to up to this mandate, that is why we deemed it necessary to appreciate them,” added Mutale.

“Irrespective of any country, once political stability is not there, everything goes upside down.”  
When queried firmly about such a huge amount which is hard to believe, Mutale said: “Look, once this project is completed, it will make billions of dollars for MKP South Africa, and that’s quite a lot of money to be made for many years to come. What will we be doing with such money? We have to share, N$50 million is nothing compared to the billions to be generated.” 

The money would only start streaming in once the project is complete, which is envisioned in 2021. The project will include a medical university that will provide an international standard education for approximately 25 000 students, providing them and all the staff with accommodation, complemented with a modern 800-bed hospital. The Smart City will also have six hotels, office parks, residential apartments, entertainment and recreational facilities.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Works and Transport, Sankwasa James Sankwasa, said Swapo welcomes any funding from anyone as long as this comes with no strings attached and with good intentions. 

“Our government has developmental and human resource policies in place to create a favourable environment. As a party we need such kind of support which comes out of free will, and we accept from anyone without prejudice for as long as it is in good faith. Each company has its own views and long-term vision, thus if they have deemed it fit and necessary to offer such support, we welcome it,” stressed Sankwasa.

“You heard the money will only come after the project is complete, probably five years from now. So since it’s election year, I would like to state it clearly that this should not be construed as an election ploy, neither that the party has or will receive the money, no!” said Sankwasa.

Furthermore, he said, development is not solely a government responsibility thus such assistance from partners cannot be refused. 

Swapo Party Youth League’s Ephraim Nekongo said: “As a country we are faced with high unemployment; such gestures through this project will bring relief as it answers government’s call for beneficial investments.”