
The proof of the pudding is in the eating … NFA/NPL must stop throwing dust in each other’s eyes

Home National The proof of the pudding is in the eating … NFA/NPL must stop throwing dust in each other’s eyes

Substantial progress in any field of endeavour is highly impossible and unattainable in the absence of a working basis, which should be universal in its application.

It’s fascinating and intensely interesting to observe how one can put up a case authoritatively and with conviction to the irrational movement of our deeper self –bringing silence, harmony and peace to our minds. 

It has been proven beyond doubt that different people will react in different ways to the same suggestion as a result of their subconscious, conditioning or belief. 

When we are desperate and seek answers to problems affecting or rather threatening our existence, ultimately our livelihood, our subconscious responds and it expects us to arrive at a decision and true judgement in our subconscious mind.

The ongoing “cat and mouse” shenanigans amongst the powers that be in the corridors of Football House can no longer be tolerated and left unchallenged; this is becoming distasteful for public appetite – enough is enough, FULL STOP!!.

The ongoing war or words between the country’s football governing body, the Namibia Football Association (NFA)-Fifa appointed Normalization Committee (NC) and its flagship affiliate (NPL) is becoming tedious and unprofitable to all affected parties, specifically the football-loving fans and mainstream partners in the industry, the clubs and “their tools”, the footballers.

As it stands, it should be noted that the country’s flagship football league, the MTC National Premiership (NPL) is an autonomous organ and cannot be dictated to by the mother body on how to run its operations, as such could amount to blatant interference in the internal affairs of the league.

There seems to be a different interpretation of the applied theory of methodology for the relegation of teams from the upper echelons of our football league. HELLO!! NPL does not deal with relegation, it’s the “baby” of the lower divisions, in this case, the national first division streams. 

The game of football is strictly governed by laws and rules but alas – when blokes who  have spent years of studies locked between the walls at different high profile universities; when men and women that learned the tricks on how to implement laws effectively are now having a different interpretations of written laws – it becomes dangerous as it leaves the layman swimming in a pool of confusion.

Yours truly counts amongst those laymen – my learned colleagues need to convince me what they mean by making reference to the “right” of the “Sixteen NPL Teams” to be part and parcel of the envisaged BoG Meeting. 

We must be very careful when dealing with elements that have nothing to lose, it’s like fighting somebody that is not afraid to get hurt and subsequently incur long lasting bodily scars. Such people are loose canons.

Fair enough, NC advocates for due process to be observed at all times, but in the same breath does the opposite, what kind of hypocrisy is that? I’m just wondering. 

My humble plea to both parties is set aside your threats, spiced up by juicy legal terms and all that jazz, for the sake of football; don’t turn our football into magistrate courts and legal battles, you are killing public appetite for the game while robbing athletes of their daily bread. 

Clubs can no longer function in the absence of league activities. This has resulted in no income, effectively rendering the poor players redundant. Sit around the table and find a common solution without oppressing others. 

Football does not only revolve around the NPL – think about the plight of the lower division clubs that are being deprived an opportunity to compete in the country’s flagship football league because of inactivity. I rest my case.