
N$790m first phase of airport road done in November

Home National N$790m first phase of airport road done in November

WINDHOEK – The first phase of the N$790 million Windhoek-Hosea Kutako International Airport road is progressing well and is expected to be completed by November. 
Roads Authority (RA) CEO Conrad Lutombi revealed this yesterday while giving an update on the project on site.

The first phase, which commenced in January 2016, is now 80 percent completed.
So far, 400 jobs have been created by the project.
In an attempt to avoid laying off workers, Lutombi is hopeful that these workers would be retained for phase two.

The main contractor is China Railway Seventh Group Corporation, working with a local company, Onamagongwa Trading Enterprises Joint Venture.

The Windhoek-Hosea Kutako International Airport road involves the upgrading to dual carriageway of the existing 44 km of TR 9/1 and TR 6/1. The project is divided into two phases, of which the first section is from MR49 Mandume Ndemufayo Avenue or Kupferburg road to the extension of Sam Nujoma Drive. The second phase comprises of the section between Sam Nujoma interchange and the Hosea Kutako International Airport.

“We are happy to announce that we are at an advanced stage in terms of the procurement process to appoint a contractor to proceed with the second phase which start where phase one will end and will go all the way to Dordabis up to the airport,” he noted.

RA will only confirm the total cost of phase two once they have appointed the contractor. 
He admitted that there has been various challenges during the construction of phase one. 
Lutombi explained that people have been complaining of noise pollution at Windhoek Country Club and Resort and around Academia. 

“We have received a lot of complaints in terms of noise pollution and vibration. Yes, there will be some noise, but very soon, we will be completing and road users will enjoy this road for generations to come,” he maintained.

However, he noted that RA is done with the design for the new Country Club access and construction is expected to be implemented in October.

The design for Prosperita access also commenced and construction is expected to be implemented next month, while Heigel street in Academia will be closed mid this month.

According to Lutombi, pre-warning of Academia residence and Windhoek residence in daily newspapers, radio and signs are currently underway.

Further, he stated deviation starts at the existing entrance of the Country Club and runs all the way until signalised intersection at Auas interchange of 1.2 km.

Other challenges he mentioned include the general road users not adhering to the traffic signs on the temporary bypass and negative driver attitude on the road construction site.
Equally, he said road users are ignoring the flag persons that facilitate the construction vehicles on or off the public road.

“General residents illegally utilising construction site for mountain biking and quad biking. We really want to appeal to residents to refrain from quad biking. Some people are using it for racing. Those found will be dealt with accordingly in terms of Namibian laws,” he warned.