Nanso infight sparks mass exodus

Home National Nanso infight sparks mass exodus

WINDHOEK- The Namibia National Students Organisation (Nanso) regional executive committee in Khomas and its 15 branches as well as some student representatives from various institutions of high learning have withdrawn from the once vibrant national student body.

They attributed their withdrawal to the ongoing infightings, lack of funding, suspension of leaders and what they termed the “capturing of Nanso by politicians”.

“We make it public today that we are tendering our resignation from Nanso with immediate effect as the organisation has lost purpose, direction and diverted from its objectives of representing students,” said Oscar Shikongo who is Nanso secretary for education in the Khomas Region. 

Of late, Nanso has been rocked with endless leadership infightings, which led to the formation of two factions within the students’ organisation.

These factions in July saw Nanso general students’ council having suspended some of its members, including vice-president Bernard Kavau, on charges of insubordination and bringing the revolutionary student body into disrepute.

Other members who were suspended pending disciplinary proceedings include Tyson Hihuanguapo, Simon Amunime and Sheya Ngolo.

Surprisingly, the suspended members, including the vice-president, formed part of Nanso faction which led mass demonstrations early this year around the country by disgruntled students, threatening to shut down the higher education ministry if Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) and government failed to find alternatives to fund all students. 

Nanso regional structures with students from various institutions of high learning education in Khomas Region convened an urgent meeting yesterday to collectively discuss and find solutions to the current status quo of Nanso, which they feel continues to disadvantage the organisation and oppress the students at large. 

Shikongo said Nanso was formed and charged to represent the rights and interests of students or learners in Namibia, but the leadership of Nanso under the leadership of Ester Simon who is Nanso president have lost focus and its purpose. 

“It is with this background that Nanso regional structures together with SRC leaders from various institutions of high education in Khomas find the need to resolve the current challenges faced by the organisation and students,” Shikongo noted. 

The meeting also included Kunene and Omusati regional structures, who share the same sediments.
 “Here I want to make it clear that the current Nanso status quo, mostly the infight at national executive went deep after the suspension of four leaders whom we know had our region interests at heart and also whom are suspended for questioning the organisation’s financial edited report, protecting organisation principal,” reacted Nanso Kunene regional chairperson Ngula Hihanguapo.

Hihanguapo said after the suspension of some of the leaders, whom, he says were the running engine of Nanso, many issues affecting students has since been left unsolved. 

Penavali Paulus, who is Omusati regional chairperson for Nanso, said the region has also resolved to withdraw its whole regional executive committee and its branches from the leadership of Nanso due to the unbearable situation.

“We make it public today that we are tendering our resignation from Nanso with immediate effect as the organisation has lost purpose, direction and diverted from its objectives of representing students. The organisation that we loved, once trusted and organisation with rich history is now turned into a playground of Tom and Jerry jokes,” Paulus said.