
Scholarships awarded to 57 Namibians

Home National Scholarships awarded to 57 Namibians

Paheja Siririka & Aletta Shikololo

WINDHOEK – The Chinese government recently held a send-off ceremony for 57 Namibian students who after a vigorous vetting and interviewing process were granted the opportunity to study at institutions of higher education in China.
Ambassador Zhang Yiming congratulated the outstanding students. “To be honest, this year’s learner selection was extremely strict. We always adhere to the principles of openness, transparency and objectivity and merit-based,” said Zhang.

Youth Corner spoke to some of the scholarship recipients to find out how they felt about the grant and why they decided to pursue those specific fields.

Lea Lafimana Lungameni
Age: 27 years old
Course: Masters in Auditing
Institution: Nanjing Audit University
I feel blessed and excited especially knowing that more than 300 Namibians applied and I was one of the chosen ones. Apart from studying I am going to have fun, explore, make connections, travel and be a good ambassador for Namibia.
The reason why I chose auditing, especially in government where I am currently employed, is that there is a lack of skilled internal auditors. I have noticed there are people who studied accounting and just became auditors. I want to acquire the necessary skills needed to become an auditor so that I can fill the gaps in government.

Martin Katura
Age: 29 years old
Course: Information and Communication Engineering
Institution: Huazhong University of Science and Technology. I am so happy right now. This will be a good opportunity for me as I have always wanted to study in China. This is a dream come true. I can’t wait to learn more about Chinese ways of living.

Festus Udjombala
Age: 28 years old
Course: Masters in Auditing
Institution: Nanjing Audit University
This is a very good opportunity and I am very excited about this. I would like to learn more about Chinese culture while at the same time follow my dreams.

 Sesilia Nekwaya
Age: 28 years old
Course: Masters in National Development
Institution: Peking University (University of Beijing)
I got admitted to the Harvard of China, that is something to be ecstatic about, that’s the number one university in China. So I am over the moon. It’s a leadership-centred course which involves public administration. It’s an exciting opportunity for me. And with the course fully funded by the Ministry of Commerce in China, one has to perform well in this and I aim to do that. It’s a one-year programme. What I am looking forward to is the trios that are included in the course which require us to go on trips and visit China’s government agencies and other places of key interest. The hope with this course is to solve national development-related issues in Namibia.

Ligola Akwenya
Age: 26 years old
Course: Masters in Public Health
Institution: Southern Medical University.
I feel overwhelmed and honoured to have this opportunity accorded to me. It’s an eye-opener. It’s a sign that dreams are valid.
We don’t have epidemiologists, we don’t have enough health professionals here in Namibia. And since I will be gone for two years, I am hoping to come back well vested and exposed and have a broader perspective on public health. I am hoping to acquire more knowledge and am eager to find out how public health is addressed in other countries, especially in a large country like China. The aim is to apply what has been learned there back here.

Lasco Iiyambo
Age: 32 years old
Course: Masters in Software Engineering
Institution: Nankai University
It is a great privilege to be one of the lucky winners of the scholarship and I am going to work hard, not only to make my family proud but my country as well.

Veino Shuumbwa
Age: 23 years old
Course: Environmental Science and Engineering
Institution: Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Some of these opportunities only come once in a lifetime so I am grateful to be granted a scholarship to pursue my dreams in environmental science and technology. I am going to further my studies while at the same time represent my country.

Elizabeth Namutenya-Lupeni Elias
Age: 26 years old
Course: PhD in Human Resource Management
Institution: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
Receiving the scholarship has taken away the financial burden as far as the rising cost of tertiary education is concerned. It will allow students like us to focus more on education than thinking of looking for a part-time job to pay for the studies. I am particularly interested in learning more about my field of expertise and research in the areas of interest, mostly organizational behaviour, workforce empowerment, and training and development, recruitment and selection process. I want to come back with improved skill in terms of management.

Maria Ndilenga
Age: 27 years old
Course: Masters of Business Administration
Institution: University of Beijing
This is a true blessing. I’m honoured to be accepted and especially at the University of Beijing – we are only six Namibians and this is the highest number of students to attend that university from one country. I am going to do what is expected of me. I am going to be a good ambassador, represent my country the best possible way.

Boas Johannes
Age: 33 years old
Course: PhD in Medical Physics
Institution: Harbin Medical University
I feel good to be one of the lucky people to be given a scholarship to study in China. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am grateful. I work for Unam and opportunities to study in the country for a PhD in medical physics are not available.