
Toddler drowns in neighbour’s well

Home National Toddler drowns in neighbour’s well

OMUTHIYA – A two-year-old boy from Okakodhi village, Omuthiya district, tragically drowned on Monday when he fell in a neighbour’s well while playing with his sister. 

According to Oshikoto police regional crime investigation coordinator, Naomi Katjiua, it is alleged that the deceased Junior Gideon and his nine-year-old sister were playing in the mahangu field while their grandmother was inside the house. Later on, they moved to the neighbour’s field where they continued to play and run around the well when he fell in. 

On same day, the police opened another inquest case after a 41-year-old man was found dead in his sleeping room at Omatope village, Bravo settlement. 

“The deceased Jackson Shiyenga who was employed as a cattle herder, was found by his co-worker hanging from the roof, with a wire around his neck. The body was taken to Tsumeb for autopsy,” stressed Katjiua. The next of kin for both deceased have been informed.