
081Everyone project rolls out to Sorris Sorris

Home Business 081Everyone project rolls out to Sorris Sorris

WINDHOEK – As part of the 081Everyone project aimed to footprint a 100 percent connectivity countrywide, ICT solution provider MTC connected residents of Sorris Sorris in the Kunene region as of 18 October. 

Residents in Sorris Sorris have in the past experienced network troubles, with many saying they couldn’t connect with family members, report crime or call for help. The commissioning of the network towers signalled the genesis of a new era which most, especially the young, will benefit from greatly.

Jubilant residents in the sunny and mountainous settlement came out in numbers to put to rest the days of placing their mobile devices at designated spots with little network reception as their only source of connectivity. 

In an era where connectivity has fast moved from a privilege accorded to urban settings, to a human right for all, the project’s full potential is to make sure that no Namibian is left out and connecting the Sorris Sorris settlement to the MTC grids serves the purpose. 

The network towers fall part of over 500 network towers nationwide that the campaign aims to roll out. Launched in 2017, the Kunene region will receive 16 network towers by the end of phase 2 of the campaign that has already made headlines in the country. 

“Independence means access to services that we were denied before and this is exactly what we are getting here today. We are happy as a community and commend MTC for including Sorris Sorris as part of the communities to be connected. Let’s us celebrate and take good care of the infrastructure. Let us encourage our children to study and let the connection begin,” said Khorixas constituency councillor Elias Xoagub.  MTC’ board chairperson Elvis Nashilongo shared the same sentiments urging the community to take care of the infrastructure.

“While this investment also falls in line with national economic growth programs, today forms part of a long outstanding MTC commitment to ensure that the 081Everyone project reaches all regions across the country. The investment is directly in line with our vision as a leading telecommunications company that is providing 100 percent coverage across the country,” he said.

Kunene regional governor, Marius Sheya, whose speech was read by the region’s special advisor Moses !Omeb, highlighted that reliable infrastructure is the enabler and driver for economic growth, adding that, with no or poor infrastructure, development is almost non-existent. 

“It is now 29 years of independence and it should not be acceptable that we still have our brothers and sisters living with no network coverage. This is indeed a standard shift that will mark a significant transformation of the network system in our region, which will see our people experience quality and faster network connectivity.”

“Sorris-Sorris tower will undoubtedly bridge the divide between rural and urban Namibia ensuring that residents have mobile connectivity and broadband internet access,” he added.

ICT deputy minister Engel Nawatiseb thanked the community for its patience, saying development is a process and the government will continue to deliver.  “One important aspect of development is communication. And in this era of information explosion and digital revolution, communication technology is the nerve centre.”

“Hence this tower, like many others across the country which MTC has erected at a great cost, and many more that it is envisaging to build according to its master plan in this regard, is not an end in itself but a means towards an end. The end is the empowerment of our people wherever they may find themselves in the four corners of our country, in the 14 regions and 121 constituencies,” said Nawatiseb.