Star of the Week: Gwanyena family

Home Focus Star of the Week: Gwanyena family

Our Star of the Week goes to the Gwanyena family for donating 100 chairs and desks to the value of N$86 000 to the Oomanya Combined School situated in the Okashana Koomanya, where the family hails. Frieda Nampunya said she heard about the construction of the new classrooms at the school and since her children also attended the school, they thought about getting chairs and tables because when the classrooms are complete, such resources would be needed. The school principal, Fillemon Kalimbo was delighted and highlighted some issues they have at the school. “We have challenges such as shortage of staff, dilapidated fence as well as an urgent need for additional classrooms to cater for Grade 10 and 11 learners for the new educational curriculum,” said Kalimbo.