
Head-on collision claims two lives

Home National Head-on collision claims two lives

ONYAANYA – Two people died on Friday upon arrival at Onandjokwe Lutheran Hospital after two bakkies they were travelling in collided head-on at Onyaanya in the Oshikoto Region.
A third victim is still fighting for his life. 

According to the police, one of the deceased was identified as Nampost employee Matias Uulumbu, 37, from Onayena. 

The deceased was driving from Omuthiya to Ondangwa in a Toyota VVti, when he collided with another Toyota pickup, in which the only passenger Thomas Mbaile, 43, succumbed to injuries sustained upon arrival at the hospital.

The driver Andreas Panduleni, 50, sustained serious injuries and is admitted at Onandjokwe.
Another accident was reported on Thursday after a Toyota Legend 45 overturned six kilometres from Omuthiya. 

Police detective Chief Inspector Edna Nawa said the driver allegedly tried to avoid goats on the road, and in the process lost control resulting in the vehicle overturning twice. 
They were four passengers who sustained minor to serious injuries. No fatalities were reported.
The police investigation continues.