Family livid over Lukato video

Home Front Page News Family livid over Lukato video

KATIMA MULILO – A family from Sachinga in Sibbinda constituency, Zambezi region is livid after Martin Lukato the leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP) without their consent used a family reunion to welcome back a Dukwe returnee at an NDP political rally and campaign platform.

Lukato is said to have filmed himself dancing,  which visual he posted on social media where it went viral.
However, a family member who spoke to this reporter said the family was disturbed upon discovering that Lukato was claiming the video was taken at his star rally at Sachinga.

“There was an event at Sachinga to welcome our brother who was abroad. The family collected some money for a party to welcome him, and then Lukato went there and started dancing and used our family event, that it is his rally for NDP at Sachinga, while it is not like that, he gave false information,” said the family member.
She said they laid a complaint against Lukato at Sachinga Sub Khuta, but Lukato has seemingly ignored the summons to the sub-khuta by saying he is in Windhoek. 

She further threatened to sue him if he does not offer a public apology.
Contacted for comment Lukato distanced himself from the video posted on social media.
He confirmed the video was indeed taken at a family gathering not at his rally, he however denied that he was the one circulating the video.

“On the day in question I had a door-to-door campaign at Sachinga, which was concluded with a gathering at the sports field. Afterwards I attended the said family gathering, where I danced because I knew the host. I went there to attend not to campaign,” said Lukato.

According to Lukato the video was taken by some people who attended the party as it was an open event attended by various people.

“The phone I am using does not take videos or pictures. The video was not taken by me or any NDP member. Maybe it was taken by NDP sympathisers, but the host knows the people who were taking pictures and videos. I only learnt about the video on social media but it was not me who posted it,” said the NDP leader.