
Air Namibia’s Frankfurt flights are back on schedule

Home Business Air Namibia’s Frankfurt flights are back on schedule

WINDHOEK – Air Namibia yesterday confirmed that its Windhoek to Frankfurt flights are again operating as per schedule. This follows an incident where one of the airline’s Airbus A330 – 200s was involved in an

“Air Namibia hereby confirms that our A330 landed at Hosea Kutako International Airport (HKIA) this morning, Monday 18 November 2019 at 8:25 a.m. (local time). The flight made a speedy turnaround and resourcefully took off for the flight back to Frankfurt at 10 a.m. Preliminary investigations into the matter indicated that the damage caused by the incident was not a major consequence, enabling the aircraft to return back to operation. The investigation into the matter by Luftfrahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) is however ongoing,” read a statement from the airline. 

As per international aviation safety standards, all aircraft are thoroughly inspected to be 100 percent airworthy before take-off. Air Namibia cancelled its FRA – WDH flight (SW286) on Saturday, 16 November, after the aircraft in question’s wingtip collided with a Korean Air aircraft. Both aircraft were immediately grounded for investigation by Luftfrahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) to determine the exact damage. 

After the incident Air Namibia offered accommodation to the 244 passengers who were destined to Windhoek. The accident caused a delay to Air Namibia’s Windhoek flight on 17 November. Affected passengers were re-accommodated on partner airlines and on Air Namibia’s next available flight.