
Voters want bread and butter issues addressed

Home Front Page News Voters want bread and butter issues addressed

OMUTHIYA – Voters in Oshikoto Region said in no uncertain terms that they expect the new administration to address issues of bread and butter, including providing employment to thousands of Namibians languishing at home without jobs. 

Hundreds of people started queuing as early as 03h00 with the hope of being assisted first during the Presidential and National Assembly elections voting process yesterday. 
The voters were, however, adamant that things would change for the better. This was one of the recurring sentiments echoed by voters in Onyaanya constituency where long queues were observed at many polling stations as of late afternoon, where voters endured the scorching heat.

Some polling stations in constituencies such as Nehale Lya Mpingana, Eengodhi, Omuntele and Guinas, which suffered dysfunctional electronic voting machines (EVMs), recorded a somewhat low turnout especially as the day progressed.

While on the other hand, presiding officers at various other polling stations said voting went smoothly, apart from a potential fracas that nearly erupted at Onamwenyo polling station in Olukonda involving the youth and elders. But it was swiftly contained with the reinforcement of police officers.

It was further observed at some polling stations that elders struggled to use the EVM. This was first observed at Omuthiya ELCIN church where a local authority councillor had to be assisted. 
 “EVM was not really a challenge to me but it was for others, although I will say it is better than the ballot paper as many used to be nullified due to mistakes in crossing,” said an elderly woman Ndatelela Hamweelo after casting her vote at Onamulele.

Voter apathy among the youth was also observed in most areas.
 “We have no choice but to vote, at least that makes a difference as opposed to staying away. What we don’t want this time is for our leaders to ignore us after ascending to power, when they tend to enrich themselves and forget the poor voters,” said Twapewa Nicanor from Onyaanya.

“Whoever wins, if they do not perform, we will remove them from power after five years, therefore they must be mindful of us,” shouted another voter Shikombo Samuel.
Oshikoto has over 108 000 eligible voters.