
Re-elected Tsumeb mayor promises to deliver

Home Front Page News Re-elected Tsumeb mayor promises to deliver

OMUTHIYA – The re-elected mayor of Tsumeb, Matheus Hangula, said the municipality will adopt
a proactive revival roadmap and further asked councillors to redouble their efforts and focus on addressing
socio-economic challenges facing the town. Hangula, who is serving his third term as mayor, was sworn in on Monday for another year. The local authority maintained its status quo with Ingenesia Inge David re-elected as deputy mayor, while Peter John Shaanika remains the chairperson of the management committee, where he is serving with Olga Gases and Mathias Sipunga. Veueza Kasiringua
and Daniel Kaunaruho Venaani are ordinary council members.

During the swearing-in ceremony, Hangula said more emphasis was needed on reviving the town’s
economic status, address youth unemployment as well as provide  serviced land and extension of basic
services to Kuvukiland informal settlement. Kuvukiland harbours the majority of the town’s population
and to date relies on about 10 central water points, with no proper road infrastructure, while sanitation
remains a serious challenge. “Our primary focus should be for all of us to mitigate some of these social
factors for the betterment of our people. We need to make concerted efforts to make sure that we have a
conducive environment for both the public and private sectors to flourish,” stated the youthful mayor.

In addition, he said, the flow of investors to the town should be an eye opener that council has to
do more in order to meet such developments, through fast tracked service provision. In the same vein,
Hangula said the municipality is facing a number of challenges, hence a need to finalise such in order to propel the town forward. Among such challenges to be addressed include, the finalisation of the town’s strategic plan, land servicing of extension 8, 9 and 11; improved communication with stakeholders,
increased employee moral, completion of industrial park, as well as speedy execution of council resolutions. “It is further my desire to see the following aspects of our development plan implemented without further delays. Management committee to monitor the progress and execution of approved budget. Filling of
positions to give permanent jobs to residents, and to create a turnaround strategy to improve council finances,” he added.

Furthermore, he implored upon the health department to draft an uncompromised plan on refuse removal, land fill management and the general cleanness of the town, as well as deliver wheelie bins to residents.
Hangula further vowed to include the community in council planning strategies in an effort to improve service delivery.