
Power outages cripple business at Divundu

Home Front Page News Power outages cripple business at Divundu

John Muyamba

RUNDU – Power outages have become a common occurrence in Divundu recently, persisting throughout most of the days. As such, businesses and residents have started resorting to petrol-powered generators to power offices and business outlets at the settlement where ATMs and cellphone reception is also

“Especially during this time of the year, power outages are common. We have accustomed to it but not happy about it at all. This has a serious negative impact on the business operations as it mostly happens during weekends. It is only the business owners with power generators who are at least able to keep up their operations during the blackouts,” said the Divundu Village Council CEO Athanasius Maghumbo.

The ordinary citizen has to do with firewood for cooking meals and candles for lighting during
the night. “During power outages, network reception is also affected which cuts off the area from the
rest of the country in terms of communication,” Maghumbo added.

According to Maghumbo, during that time of power outages, emergency services are off limits as there is no means of communication.

Maghumbo told this reporter that Divundu Village Council is inundated with queries from the residents regarding the power cuts. “We are in limbo on what to tell the residents, but council continuously engages Nored regarding the matter, with the hope that a lasting solution will be found to minimise power outages
in this area.” he said.

Before going to print, Nored could not respond to queries posted through its public relations office on Monday