Zikii releases soulful STL album

Home Lifestyle Zikii releases soulful STL album

 Paheja Siririka

WINDHOEK- The Bank Windhoek Theatre School was packed with music enthusiast who came to a listening session of Zikizee Hangero, otherwise known as just Zikii recently. The album is dubbed ‘Spread The Love’.
“I am a firm believer in the old school love is and will always remain the best because people were more genuine back then,” revealed Zikii on the reason behind dubbing her album Spread The Love.
“When I write music, I make sure that there is a message attached to it. And it should be a good message,” she said.

Zikii is a young musician with an old soul. She has incorporated a lot of old school vibes in her songs.
The first on the album is titled Owe Owe. “The song was written for a play and it’s a cry out song, it is asking what we have done wrong in our country to deserve all the rape, the hurt, killings, it was written in remembrance of the Ovaherero-German genocide,” she said.

With a mix of old school and a little dash of disco, there is plenty of content in her songs, from the first to the last song. The nine-track song including an instrumental is all Zikii’s work with a dash of Glo’s magical touch who did backup vocals on the song titled Embrace Yourself.

Furthermore, Namibian producer Ponti Dikuua, now based in Ireland also contributed to the album by producing few tracks. With the language being no barrier in music, Zikii can be heard code-mixing between Otjiherero and English. “I usually write what I go through, which makes it easy and more expressive through code-mixing,” she said.

Zikii said before she writes a song, she typically prefers to listen to beats provided. “I am usually led by the beat for most songs,” she revealed. The last song on the album is called Ii mundu uandje, a common Otjiherero phrased used meaning Yes, My Person.

“I love these phrases, words like mbuae, my big brother loves them and he inspired the title to that song.
The song is about letting loose. It’s about how life can be uptight and we need to loosen up a bit and enjoy yourself, regardless,” she said.

With every album comes a cd cover and with hers designed by Justus Sinimbo, Zikii did not shy away from the title. In large sunglasses and a hat, she is seen embracing nature by holding a thorny branch of pink petal flowers and accompanying the front cover with a warm bright smile, effortlessly spreading the love.
Entertainment Now! rated this afro-pop album an 8.5/10 for delivery, heavy in-depth content and deep messages embedded within.