
Businessman donates uniforms to Ndiilokelwa school

Home Youth Corner Businessman donates uniforms to Ndiilokelwa school

Aletta Shikololo

WINDHOEK  – As some parents who have children schooling at Ndiilokelwa Primary School are struggling to provide school uniforms to their children, Local businessman Sylvester Shapwa rescued them by donating 80 full uniforms to less privilege children over the school holiday. 

The school, located in Ohangwena region has over 250 learners of which 80 of them are now assisted with full uniforms until mid-year when Shapwa will sort out the rest. 

Shapwa who believes in humanity says this is the season where most parents wonder where to get school items and as a businessman and humanitarian, it is his responsibility to assist those in need.
“ The hunger to see others succeed, the hunger to see others do better is what motivated me to give because I know how it feels not to have, I was once like them and a school uniform which is a necessity can be a demotivating factor to learners who don’t have it,” he said, adding that uniforms motivate learners to attend and concentrate at school.

According to him, humanity means compassion, kindness, care, warmth, healing, helping and serving others whether is people, animals or plants without an agenda. 

He added “It means doing the right thing even if no one watches and to always act responsibly without a conscience. It doesn’t always have to start with others it can start with yourself, being kind towards yourself, unconditionally loving towards family and friends, responsible in our acts towards anything and everything.”
He thanked those that contributed to the donation including kwaito artist Bantu and encouraged school learners over the country to study hard as the future depends on them.

Talking to Youth Corner, Ndiilokelwa school principal, Jacobina Munageni said it’s heartwarming to know that there are still citizens who care about the future of the Namibian child.

“I know the situation my learners find themselves in and the donation will make a difference in their academic year and I believe it will motivate them to study hard. I just wish many community members will come out and give help to schools, especially in rural areas, most of the schools in the country are in need of educational materials,” Munageni commented.