
Geingob chides  self-hating blacks 

Home National Geingob chides  self-hating blacks 

President Hage Geingob has once again criticised society’s attitude towards black success, saying there was an element of self-hate among Namibian blacks. According to Geingob, some black Namibians don’t want others to live a life of opulence, including owning luxury cars, which they have worked hard for. The President added many successful blacks were being accused of being corrupt. “People are angry because they see others are rich and they feel left out. That is why we are having this anger by young people. 

I read somewhere that people must go take photos of all those driving nice cars and having good houses. There are people living well and buying nice cars. 

That’s self-hate,” he reacted during the official opening of Cabinet yesterday. Geingob said those who were questioning whether successful blacks worked for their success hardly talk about white people who he said equally drive nice cars and live in luxury homes. However, he clarified, if people are living large at the expense of others, including acquiring wealth through corrupt means, they should be reported and arrested. 

He explained while the government recognises the need for improvements in the areas outlined by the people, they also take cognisance of so-called analysts and academics that exaggerate by cashing in on the plight of the people to advocate for a regime change. He said some even go to the extent of claiming that the Swapo government has not done anything good for the past 30 years. 

“Shame on them. We all know that structural inequality which was a deliberate policy of apartheid and colonialism against the majority of Namibian people is responsible for the continuing poverty, and economic exclusion in our society.” Geingob noted the Swapo government is the one that has started policies and programmes to tackle and remove these abnormalities.