
Star of the week: Mansueta Ndapandula Muunda

Home Focus Star of the week: Mansueta Ndapandula Muunda

Our Star of the week is Mansueta Ndapandula Muunda, a volunteer cook at Moses van der Byl primary school in Katutura. She responded positively to a request to cook at their school feeding programme eight years ago.Many assistants came and left but Muunda is still forging ahead and prepares meals for about 370 learners, alone. She cooks about two meals a day-during break time and afternoon classes. She also comes in on Saturday to cook for leaners who have extra classes. Muunda only receives N$100 per week to cover her taxi fare. Muunda is a woman of tales, a tailor in the afternoon after she is done at the school and a mother of five children. Her oldest son, Isdor Aluteni Kamati (23) who is a research librarian, recently shared a post on social media appreciating what his mother does. “Let me introduce you to Mee Ndapandula. My mom and hero. For the past eight years, she has been volunteering every school day to cook for the learners at Moses van der Byl Primary School. She manages to feed around 300 learners every day,” read the post.