
Knife killer jailed for 30 years

Home Crime and Courts Knife killer jailed for 30 years

Oshakati High Court Judge Herman January sentenced a man convicted of killing his former girlfriend by stabbing her 11 times with a knife to 30 years in prison late last week.

The judge convicted Andreas Sunday Shilongo (37) of murder with direct intent read with the provisions of the Combating of Domestic Violence Act. He was charged with killing Martha Iyambo on 20 June 2015.
According to information available, the deceased ended her relationship with Shilongo and entered into a new relationship with another man.

On the night in question, she went with her new boyfriend to her house to retire for the night. At the house, she left the new boyfriend in her room and went to check on two children who were sleeping there and Shilongo came to the house and demanded that she open for him. When she refused, he broke a window and entered the house through the broken window – in the process cutting his leg.

He then went to the room where the deceased had locked herself into and demanded she open the door. Afraid for the children, the deceased opened the door and the convict started to assault her with his fists on her face, held her by the neck and stabbed her all over her body with a knife until she fell to the ground, resulting in her demise soon after.

According to Judge January, the deceased was stabbed at least 11 times and the post mortem reveals the accused indiscriminately stabbed the deceased. He further said the body also depicted a lot abrasions on the head, face, arms and back.

The judge further remarked that the father of the deceased testified the death of the deceased left him painful and sick to the stomach. The aunt of the deceased who raised her also testified the death of the deceased pained her and affected her health.

He further said the deceased was killed in front of the two children and one of the children was severely affected by the stabbing that he no longer performs well at school, according to the aunt.
“The deceased was defenceless when she met her death. The wounds were indiscriminately inflicted, five of which appear at the back of the deceased,” the judge said, and continued: The accused attacked her by surprise. This, in my view, indicates the accused pre-meditated and planned the crime.

He went on to say the right to life is sacred and that it was protected from biblical times and is echoed in the Namibian Constitution. Murder, the judge said, is considered as the most serious crime and courts will fail in its duty if offenders are not harshly dealt with to deter convicted offenders and would-be offenders. “This, in my view, is an extreme case of cold-blooded murder,” the judge said and added: The interest of society must be protected and seen to be protected; in the circumstances, it is inescapable the accused will have to serve a long term of imprisonment.

The State was represented by Jatiel Mudamburi and Shilongo by Godfrey Bondai.
– rrouth@nepc.com.na