Namibia urged to ratify convention on violence and harassment at work

Home Business Namibia urged to ratify convention on violence and harassment at work

Different stakeholders in the sphere of labour activities have encouraged Namibia to ratify the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention related to violence and harassment in the world of work in order to address, prevent and subsequently eliminate such practices in the workplace. 

According to the labour ministry, stakeholders share the sentiment that many violence and harassment cases in the world of work remain unreported due to various reasons, ranging from unclear policies, fear of victimisation and shame, among others, and therefore called for rapid ratification of the convention to help address the situation.

The Rapid Assessment Report on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work for 2019 reveals that violence and harassment in the workplace are common. The report further generated sufficient indications that the prevalence of violence and harassment in the world of work is high and negatively affects a large part of Namibia’s workforce. It lumped around the knowledge, understanding and prevalence of violence and harassment in the world of work, and whether Namibian laws and policies offer sufficient protection and existing channels to report violence and harassment in the world of work.

Labour ministry officials have said that the consideration to have the convention ratified came at a right time when the Labour Act is under review. “The Tri-Partite Task Force that is currently reviewing the Labour Act is developing amendments that will incorporate the rights and duties that are contained in the convention,” said labour minister Erkki Nghimtina. 

The minister also took note of the future of work, stating that “we must consider how to prevent violence and harassment in relation to new industries and new technologies.”

According to the labour ministry spokesperson, Maria Hedimbi, the purpose of the study that birthed the rapid assessment report was to contribute to the formulation of policies, programmes and a strategy aimed at preventing and eliminating violence and harassment against women and men in the Namibian workplace.