
Politician heads into full-time farming

Home Front Page News Politician heads into full-time farming

OMUTHIYA – The outgoing special advisor to the governor of Oshikoto Erwin ‘Nation’ Nashikaku whose term ended on 20 March says he would like to see the right people with the requisite skills being placed into right positions to propel the country forward.

“I would like to see changes in our system where people with skills are placed in positions matching their knowledge. I would also like to appeal to the nation and our Swapo members to hold hands more than ever with one aim of transforming Namibia to greater heights. Therefore, lets avoid infighting as this only destroys all our efforts for the good,” Nashikaku said this in an interview with New Era at his Omutsegwondjamba farm as he reflected on his journey as a businessperson, farmer and politician.
He farms with pigs, goats, sheep, ostriches, cattle as well as cultivation of mahangu and maize. 
He also plans to establish a traditional lodge to offer visitors cultural history, food, designs and artefacts.  
In addition, Nashikaku who also serves as the headman of Oshivelo, said leaders should not hold positions to dear but rather learn to give chances to the others to also lead as it gives them an opportunity to learn a thing or two. 

“Let’s not fight for positions and supremacy, your time will still come, we are old but not too old, thus there is still time for you to serve,” he stated while thanking President Hage Geingob for having appointed him to serve as a special advisor for three years. 

“As a special advisor, I learned a lot, wrong and right things. I also learn to prepare for my afterlife in case I do not get a second chance. A new chapter that I will focus on with the purpose of adding value to the region and country at large. Having being a farmer, I think it is now also time I venture on a fulltime basis,” he added, saying he is still willing to serve in any capacity if given another opportunity to serve the nation.

Political career
Nashikaku’s full time political career began in 2008, where he served as district mobiliser for Guinas, a position he held until his appointment as special advisor in 2017. Prior to that, he has been a businessperson that ventured into catering and hospitality, supermarkets. 

Farming life
He began farming in 2008, being an associate to his ailing father at the time before his demise in the same year. The former teacher by profession said, he now plans to engage in commercial farming next year where he wishes to engage in horticulture to provide high grade products that can be consumed locally.
“Food sustainability is key for our survival considering the hard-times we find ourselves in, if possible I want to transform this farm into a food basket that can feed the nation,” he said.
Some of his produce such as watermelons are sold at big retail stores as well to individuals in the northern regions. He also produces beef from the farm.

Social activities 
In the region, Nashikaku is known in the educational sector as a helping friend for having sponsored a best performing grade learner in 2018 with a heifer. This year he also lobbied for a drilling of a borehole to King Kauluma Combined School through the assistance of Oshivelo farming owned by Jan Cronje. This was installed at a cost of N$350 000.

Nashikaku also provided school uniforms and shoes to San learners at the same school.
“The way forward is for me to continue ploughing into the education sector so that these learners can be able to continue carrying this nation beyond our existence. It is only through grassroot empowerment that we can also go forward.

Achievements as special advisor
He boasted for having managed to assist many villagers who were without national documents especially in Nehale Lya Mpingana and Guinas constituencies through engagement with home affairs officials.
“I am not done with my plans, but I am glad with the little time I had served the nation, I was able to make a difference in people’s lives. Therefore, I would like to outline that projects such as road network in some constituencies should be prioritised as some areas are inaccessible. In addition, I would like to see remote allowance for government employees to be increased in order to attract qualified personnel in such areas.” -osimasiku@nepc.com.na