Legit photography scouts for photographic models

Home Lifestyle Legit photography scouts for photographic models

 Aletta Shikololo

Owned by award-winning photographer Andrew Ingo, Legit photography is scouting for photographic models around Namibia to take part in a conceptual photoshoot called Legit Project Exposure (LPE). The project, which will kick off in May, aims to give exposure to local models, make-up artists, fashion designers and photographers.
LPE will be his third project in the country after two previous projects that, according to him, turned out to be a success.
“We are looking for professional models that have what it takes but lack exposure. We will be helping them get the recognition they deserve, together with makeup artists and designers,” Ingo said.
Ingo told Entertainment Now! that LPE will be working with 20 to 30 models, who will be dressed by handpicked designers and three makeup artists.
According to Ingo, Namibia has underrated models who need to come out of their shells and show their talents. “I think this will be a great idea for me to expose models that are doing amazing work but they are not known. We see potential in our people and it’s our responsibility as photographers to capture them and show the world what we got,” he narrated.
For the sake of models from outside Windhoek, who will not be able to travel to the city for a photoshoot, Ingo mentioned he will take the service to them.
The 26-year-old photographer promised to put up an exhibition after the project, enabling modelling agencies and others to scout for models and designers, and for people to see the outcome of the project. Some of the businesses that will be working alongside Ingo are Exquisite by Ludisha, Makeup by Renatte, Sirenga streetwear, Salshie design and many others.
Ingo is also calling upon sponsors that would like to get on board and help the project become a success. He advised photographers and creatives to keep helping others who are up-coming, thereby boosting the growth of the creative industry.
– ashikololo@nepc.com.na