Kavango West needs N$20 million for Covid-19

Home Front Page News Kavango West needs N$20 million for Covid-19

OMUTHIYA – Kavango West Regional Council says it will need an approximate amount of N$19.89 million to fully prepare for the fight against Covid-19 pandemic. 

This figure, according to the council’s senior public relations Salomo Tenga, is derived from the Regional Emergency Response Plan on Covid-19 developed by the region and handed over to the Office of the Prime Minister.
“The response plan budget highlights a number of categories including availing water, and the provision of medical equipment including logistics. There is a need to drill and install 24 water points, and about two water tank trucks all valued at about N$14 million. Other health necessities include mobile toilets, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suits and hospitals beds, amongst others, valued at close to N$2 million dollars. Other logistics that cover up the remaining figures are for water pipes, pumps and operational costs,” elaborated Tenga. 

Tenga said the material budgeted for is very essential, as the region has no single care facility for the virus, although it has identified isolation and quarantine units for any outbreak likely to occur.

“The two units are warehouses belonging to Namibian Industrial Development Agency – NIDA at Katwitwi Settlement, which borders Namibia and Angola on the western side of the region. Water remains crucial in the fight against Covid-19 hence the need for the regional council to make enough water available to ensure hygiene conditions,” he added. 

The Regional Emergency Operational Centre has been established to advise the existing Regional Disaster Risk Management Committee Development on how best Kavango West can fight and contain Covid-19.
Activation of such committees at constituency and community levels has taken place.
– osimasiku@nepc.com.na