
Thirsty public resorts to drugs

Home National Thirsty public resorts to drugs

Due to the ban on the sale of alcohol during the lockdown, the public wanting to get high have resorted to drugs because alcohol stocks seem depleted even on the black market.
Namibian police spokesperson Deputy Commissioner Kaunapawa Shikwambi revealed there is a spike in the use and dealing in drugs, specifically in Khomas, Hardap, Erongo and 
//Kharas regions.

“Clearly, there seem to be more drugs available due to alcohol restrictions. We encourage the Namibian nation to report those who are dealing in drugs,” said Shikwambi. According to statistics, cannabis is the preferred drug of choice as 74 234 kg valued at N$742 340 was confiscated in March. For the past three months, the police managed to confiscate 173 757 kg of cannabis with a street value of N$1.7 million.

Statistics further indicated the public dealt in 706 mandrax tablets with an estimated value of N$84 720 that was seized by law enforcement officers. The police confiscated 1 522 Mandrax tablets worth N$182 640 in the past three months. The other preferred drug of choice is cocaine powder and crack cocaine. Shikwambi said for the period of January to March the police arrested 248 suspects in connection to the drugs seized. 
Of those arrested, 238 are Namibians, four were Angolans and two from Tanzania.
– mamakali@nepc.com.na