PDMYL wants dismissal of disorderly politicians

Home Front Page News PDMYL wants dismissal of disorderly politicians

The official opposition youth league, the Popular Democratic Movement Youth League (PDMYL) has called on the ruling Swapo party hierarchy to recall councillors who recently made news for the wrong reasons.
On Monday, Swapo’s Katutura central constituency councillor Ambrosius Kandjii was granted bail of N$3 000 following his arrest on Friday for assault, pointing of a firearm and malicious damage to property.
He is suspected to have been under the influence of alcohol.

Earlier this month, Engela constituency councillor Jason Ndakunda, who represents Swapo in the National Council came under heavy criticism after he was caught on camera in an alleged drunk driving incident.
Swapo’s Kongola constituency regional councillor David Muluti was also arrested for selling of alcohol during the Covid-19 state of emergency. He admitted guilt and paid a fine of N$2 000.

 “We are increasingly becoming concerned about the conduct of regional councillors from the Swapo party, who over the past month have made headlines for all the wrong reasons,” said PDMYL national spokesperson, Maximilian Katjimune. 
“Not only are their actions brazen and shocking, but it reveals the extent to which Swapo politicians, and in particular regional councillors, totally disregard the law,” he said. 

“This also reveals the uncontrollable addiction that Swapo politicians have to alcohol,” he said. 
“Public servants, as leaders of society are expected to exhibit the highest discipline and decorum. The actions of these councillors fall below the standards of what is expected from them by their constituents and the Namibian nation.”
Katjimune called on Swapo to recall these three councillors as they have betrayed their mandate and the trust put in them by Namibian voters.

“We also calls on the Namibian police to ensure that no stone is left unturned in its investigation of the Swapo top leadership who broke the state of emergency regulations by having a party,” he said.

Also, Landless People Movement (LPM) condemned the alleged violent incident allegedly by Kandjii saying violence is not accepted.
“Sentiments of being offended by a constituent’s plea can never justify a self-proclaimed right to express violent behaviour or to threaten the lives of your constituents with a dangerous firearm,” said the party’s secretary for social development, Eliaseritha Kohima.

“There are countless incidents of gender based violence reported to the Namibian Police, which the government and non-governmental organisations are expected to present a united front in efforts to uproot gender based violence,” she added.
Hence, she said the party strongly condemned the alleged gruesome and unacceptable behaviour of Kandjii for beating a woman and further threatening her and other community members with a firearm.
She said his actions are direct violations of human rights perpetrated against targeted individuals. 
She urged Swapo to suspend Kandjii with immediate effect. 