
56 arrested for violating Covid-19 regulations

Home Front Page News 56 arrested for violating Covid-19 regulations

A total of 56 individuals, including well-known musicians, were part of people arrested in Windhoek over the weekend for contravening the Covid-19 state of emergency regulations. Khomas police chief Commissioner Joseph Shikongo confirmed to New Era yesterday that some of those detained paid a fine of N$2 000. 

“It is early to tell who is going to pay and who is not because people have different pockets but those who are unable to pay will be given dates to appear in court and those who can afford will pay the N$2 000 fine,” said Shikongo. He said the majority of those detained are young girls and boys and they were cooperating with the law enforcement agencies. Most of the detainees were rounded up at a local hangout spot, where popular artist Sunday Shipushu (stage name Sunny Boy) was scheduled to virtually perform on Saturday evening. Supporting artists were also scheduled to perform at the same venue. 

Funky Lab Social Café owner Thomas Nakushelo (34) was among those detained with veteran broadcaster Josef Ailonga, known as Jossy Joss (38) and Monika Pineas, who goes by the stage name Top Cheri. “The event had initially followed rules of not hosting more than 10 people, but later on, people started rocking up at the venue, with many standing outside – and before we knew it, a larger number flocked into the café,” said John Anthon, Funky Lab Social Café’s spokesperson, who was not at the café when it was raided. 
He further said the whole group was not entirely together. “People were in small groups, sitting in their cars, and far from each other; the only issue is they were in the vicinity of the café”. 

Police spokesperson Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi said the arrests were made because the individuals contravened the state of emergency regulations and gathered at a night club with a common purpose of music entertainment, trading liquor and refused to keep distance when directed to do so by authorised officers.
– psiririka@nepc.com.na